Figure 5.
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) to represent estimated causal pathways for A) the desired total causal effect of treatment on cancer risk, and B)-D) the estimated effect under different methods of adjustment for time dependent confounders affected by prior treatment. Box indicates adjustment. Dotted line represents causal associations that are present but not included in the desired/estimated effect. A Solid lines represent the pathways needed to estimate the total causal effect of time varying treatment on cancer. B HbA1c measured at a single time point during the measurement window (usually the most recent value). Exposure may be time updated or assumed fixed from cohort entry. Solid line represents the pathways included in the estimate of effect under this approach. C HbA1c measured once at/before cohort entry, exposure modelled as time varying. Solid line represents the pathways included in the estimate of effect under this approach. D Exposure is assigned at cohort entry and assumed fixed (Intention to treat (ITT) principle), HbA1c measured once at/before cohort entry. Solid line represents the pathways included in the estimate of effect under this approach.