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. 2017 Sep 16;21(3):236–241. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyx086

Table 2.

Serum Levels of MMP-9 and MMP-2 of Relapsed and Nonrelapsed Depressed Patients after ECT

Relapsed Nonrelapsed Control
n=18 n=10 n=40 P
MMP-9 (ng/mlL)
 At Pre-ECT or baseline 513.5 ± 241.5 ns 579.5 ± 257.1 ** 481.5 ± 216.9 .424b
 At Post-ECT [452.8 ± 158.1] [348.2 ± 156.3] .093a
 Magnitude of change from Pre-ECT to Post-ECT -60.7 ± 174.1 -231.3 ± 215.1 .021a*
MMP-2 (ng/mL)
 At Pre-ECT or baseline 185.4 ± 39.0 187.5 ± 32.1 235.5 ± 56.8 .001b
 At Post-ECT 207.4 ± 62.5 204.5 ± 33.8 .415a
 Magnitude of change from Pre-ECT to Post-ECT 22.0 ± 52.9 17.0 ± 35.4 .811a

Abbreviation: ECT, electroconvulsive therapy; ns, not significant.

Data show the mean ± SD.

a P values of the Mann-Whitney U test.

b P values of Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test are reported.

*P<0.05, **P<0.01.