Fig. 3.
Results of IntLIM applied to a breast cancer datase. a Clustering of Spearman correlations of 2842 identified gene-metabolite pairs(18,228 genes and 379 metabolites, with 61 tumor and 47 non-tumor samples) (FDR-adjusted p-value of interaction coefficient < 0.05 with Spearman correlation difference of > 0.5) in tumor and non-tumor tissue from breast cancer tissue. b GPT2 association with 2-hydroxyglutarate (FDR-adjusted p-value = 0.046, Normal Spearman Correlation = − 0.11, Tumor Spearman Correlation = 0.40). c Lack of association between 2-hydroxygutarate with MYC (FDR adj. p-value = 0.90, Normal Spearman Correlation = − 0.20, Tumor Spearman Correlation = 0.04)