Table 1.
Patient characteristics (N = 296)
Age, years, median (range) | 66 (29–89) |
Gender (female/male) | 110/186 |
BMI, kg, median, (range) | 25 (16–42) |
ASA score | 2 (1–3) |
Synchronous/metachronous | 224/72 |
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy yes/no/no information | 122/168/6 |
Preoperative CEA, median (range) | 12 (1–498) |
Extrahepatic disease at the time of liver resection, n (%) | 21 (7.1) |
Liver involvement (unilobar/bilobar) | 233/63 |
ASA = American Society of Anestesiology; BMI = body mass index; CEA = carcino-embryonic antigen