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. 2018 Mar 6;13(3):e0193768. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193768

Table 3. The association of anti-flagellin and anti-lipopolysaccharide immunoglobulin concentrations at 6 and 9 months with annual Z score changes for length using linear mixed effects models.

Immunoglobulins at 6 months with annual ΔLAZ as outcome Immunoglobulins at 9 months with annual ΔLAZ as outcome
unadj β (SE) p-value adj β (SE)1 p-value unadj β (SE) p-value adj β (SE)1 p-value
Flic IgA, OD Flic IgA, OD
Q1 <0.21 ref ref Q1 <0.32 ref ref
Q2 0.21 to <0.30 0.29(0.12) 0.02 0.21(0.12) 0.09 Q2 0.32 to <0.44 -0.22(0.13) 0.09 -0.22(0.13) 0.08
Q3 0.30 to <0.42 0.08(0.12) 0.52 0.05(0.12) 0.67 Q3 0.44 to <0.61 -0.25(0.13) 0.049 -0.29(0.13) 0.02
Q4 >0.42 -0.05(0.12) 0.68 -0.04(0.12) 0.72 Q4 >0.61 -0.30(0.13) 0.03 -0.32(0.13) 0.01
Flic IgG, OD Flic IgG, OD
Q1 <0.47 Ref Ref Q1 <0.65 Ref Ref
Q2 0.47 to <0.60 0.03(0.13) 0.82 0.11(0.12) 0.39 Q2 0.65 to <0.82 -0.06(0.13) 0.63 -0.04(0.13) 0.73
Q3 0.60 to <0.75 0.10(0.12) 0.44 0.12(0.12) 0.33 Q3 0.82 to <1.03 -0.04(0.13) 0.78 -0.07(0.13) 0.59
Q4 >0.75 -0.14(0.12) 0.26 -0.10(0.12) 0.41 Q4 >1.03 -0.27(0.13) 0.04 -0.23(0.13) 0.07
Q1 <0.17 Ref Ref Q1 <0.23 Ref Ref
Q2 0.17 to <0.24 0.01(0.12) 0.91 -0.08(0.12) 0.51 Q2 0.23 to <0.36 -0.18(0.13) 0.16 -0.19(0.13) 0.14
Q3 0.24 to <0.34 -0.04(0.13) 0.78 -0.09(0.12) 0.47 Q3 0.36 to <0.56 -0.27(0.13) 0.037 -0.24(0.13) 0.07
Q4 >0.34 -0.30(0.12) 0.02 -0.33(0.12) 0.008 Q4 >0.56 -0.14(0.13) 0.28 -0.18(0.13) 0.16
Q1 <0.33 ref ref Q1 <0.44 Ref Ref
Q2 0.33 to <0.47 -0.07(0.12) 0.58 -0.04(0.13) 0.78 Q2 0.44 to <0.62 0.11(0.13) 0.38 0.16(0.13) 0.21
Q3 0.47 to <0.66 0.14(0.12) 0.25 0.15(0.12) 0.23 Q3 0.62 to <0.89 -0.05(0.13) 0.69 -0.05(0.13) 0.70
Q4 >0.66 -0.10(0.12) 0.40 -0.08(0.12) 0.54 Q4 >0.89 0.09(0.13) 0.48 0.06(0.13) 0.65


1Adjusted for child sex (male/female), preterm birth (yes/no), maternal age (≥30, <30years), maternal literacy (yes/no), antibiotic use (yes/no), RUTF (yes/no). Abbreviations: Flic = Flagellin; LPS = Lipopolysaccharide; IgA = Immunoglobulin A; IgG = Immunoglobulin G; ΔLAZ = change in Length-for-age Z scores; RUTF = ready to use therapeutic food.