Fig 10. Diagram summarizing the tissue-specific imprinting defects of the H19hIC1Δ2.2 mice.
White rectangles represent the Igf2 and H19 genes, grey rectangle mIC1 and green rectangles hIC1Δ2.2. Enhancers are indicated by green ovals. Transcription direction is indicated by arrows and transcription intensity by arrow thickness. Lollipops indicate CTS methylation status: filled lollipops, methylated CTSs; open lollipops: non-methylated CTSs; half-filled lollipops: partially methylated CTSs; dashed lollipops: missing CTSs in the deleted region of hIC1Δ2.2. Curved arrows indicate Igf2 activation by downstream enhancers: arrow thickness is inversely proportional to the insulator strength inferred from allele-specific Igf2 expression in each specific tissue. P: paternal chromosome; M: maternal chromosome.