Figure 2. Stimulus and results of forcing attention to one surface.
(A) Participants (N=50) viewed the same two overlapping fields of dots as in the main experiment, but we presented them briefly (6 sec) and preceded them with a cue letter that instructed subjects to which surface they should attend. (B) Pupil size recordings were aligned to the stimulus onset and the average pupil size in the preceding 150 ms was subtracted. Pupils dilated over the course of the stimulus, to a different extent depending on which surface was cued (more dilated when the dark surface was attended). Thick lines give averages and thin lines show 1 s.e.m. across subjects. (C) The pupil difference between trials where the black or the white surface was attended (averaged over the [1:3]s interval) does not correlate with AQ scores. All conventions as in Figure 1.