Figure 6. The whole-cell Cl- current recording of ADGRG2 promoter-labeled efferent ductule cells.
(A) Time course of whole-cell Cl- current (IADGRG2-ED) at +100 and −100 mV in ADGRG2 promoter-labeled efferent ductule cells derived from Adgrg2-/Y mice or their littermates. An ‘a’ or ‘d’ indicates the substitution of the Cl- bath solution with Gluc- (148.5 mM Cl- was replaced by 48.5 mM Cl- and 100 mM Gluc-); and ‘b’ or ‘e’ indicates the substitution of the Gluc- bath solution with Cl- (148.5 mM Cl-). ‘a’,”b’ and ‘c’ belong to WT mice. ‘d’,”e’ and ‘f’ belong to Adgrg2-/Y mice. (B) The current-voltage relationship of IADGRG2-ED at specific time points (from 6A) is shown. (C) The whole cell Cl- current of IADGRG2-ED elicited by voltage steps between −100 mV and +100 mV in a representative ADGRG2-promoter-RFP labeled efferent ductule cells derived from the Adgrg2-/Y mice and their wild type littermates. The outwardly rectifying IADGRG2-ED was significantly diminished when bath Cl- was substituted for gluconate (Gluc-). (D) Representative whole-cell Cl- current of ADGRG2 promoter-labeled efferent ductule cells; IADGRG2-ED versus voltage (I–V) relationships in response to voltage ramps recorded with a CsCl pipette solution in Adgrg2-/Y (n = 8) or WT mice (n = 8). The outwardly rectifying IADGRG2-ED was significantly diminished, and its reversal potential (Erev) shifted to the positive direction when Cl- was substituted for Gluc-. (E) Average current densities (pA/pF) measured at 100 mV of (C). Inset: average Erev (±s.e.m., n = 8 for each condition). **p<0.01, IADGRG2-ED in Gluc- solution was compared with IADGRG2-ED in Cl- solution. ns, no significant difference. At least three independent biological replicates were performed.