Table 1.
List of abbreviations for regularization parameter selection methods. To indicate the use of unconstrained P(r) in a method, the suffix ‘u’ is appended to the abbreviation. If a tuning parameter is used, its value is appended as well.
Acronym | Full name |
| |
AIC | Akaike information criterion |
AICC | corrected Akaike information criterion |
BIC | Bayesian information criterion |
BP | balancing principle |
CV | leave-one-out cross validation |
DP | discrepancy principle |
EE | extrapolated error |
GCV | generalized cross validation |
GML | generalized maximum-likelihood |
hBP | hardened balancing principle |
ICOMP | information complexity criterion |
LC | L-curve, maximum curvature |
LR | L-curve, minimum radius |
LR2 | L-curve, minimum radius 2 |
MCL | Mallows’ CL |
mGCV | modified generalized cross validation |
NCP | normalized cumulative periodogram |
QO | quasi-optimality criterion |
rGCV | robust generalized cross validation |
RM | residual method |
SC | self-consistency method |
srGCV | strong robust generalized cross validation |
tDP | transformed discrepancy principle |