Table 2.
Model showing significant associations between nondopaminergic medications and individual QUIP‐RS items
Variables | p‐Value |
MAOBIs | |
QUIP‐RS binge eating subscore | .04 |
QUIP‐RS 3D score (do you have difficulty controlling eating behavior?) | <.001 |
Antidepressants | |
QUIP‐RS total score | .04 |
QUIP‐RS A–D score | .03 |
Sleep Inducers | |
QUIP‐RS A–D subscore | .02 |
QUIP‐RS section D‐binge eating subscore | .002 |
QUIP‐RS 1D (How much do you think about eating behavior?) | <.001 |
QUIP‐RS 2D score (Do you have urges or desires for eating behavior?) | .005 |
QUIP‐RS 3D (Do you have difficulty controlling eating behavior?) | <.001 |
QUIP‐RS, Questionnaire for Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale; MAOBIs, monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors.
Model obtained after controlling for Hoehn & Yahr stage, age, gender, family history, disease duration, and Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale.