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. 2018 Feb 10;8(3):e00904. doi: 10.1002/brb3.904

Table 2.

Model showing significant associations between nondopaminergic medications and individual QUIP‐RS items

Variables p‐Value
QUIP‐RS binge eating subscore .04
QUIP‐RS 3D score (do you have difficulty controlling eating behavior?) <.001
QUIP‐RS total score .04
QUIP‐RS A–D score .03
Sleep Inducers
QUIP‐RS A–D subscore .02
QUIP‐RS section D‐binge eating subscore .002
QUIP‐RS 1D (How much do you think about eating behavior?) <.001
QUIP‐RS 2D score (Do you have urges or desires for eating behavior?) .005
QUIP‐RS 3D (Do you have difficulty controlling eating behavior?) <.001

QUIP‐RS, Questionnaire for Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale; MAOBIs, monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors.

Model obtained after controlling for Hoehn & Yahr stage, age, gender, family history, disease duration, and Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale.