Vδ2+ γδT cells in the postmortem brains of preterm infants with brain injury. Paraffin-embedded cerebral hemispheres and frontal lobe sections at the level of Ammon's horn, including the lateral ventricle, were used for immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. A–E and H–M: IHC staining of Vδ2+ γδT cells (arrows) in the injured brains in the periventricular white matter region adjacent to the injured area (A), the meninges tissue (B–D), and the tissue close to the cortex (E) of postmortem neonatal cases. Insets in A and B show higher magnification of Vδ2+ γδT cells. D is a higher magnification image of C. A–E are from case 1. F: Negative control stained with an isotype control antibody against TCRγδ. G: Thionin/acid fuchsin staining of the brain meninges area. H–M: γδT-positive staining in the meninges area of the postmortem brain outside the blood vessels, in the inner side of the blood vessels in the meninges (J), and in the cells of the blood vessel wall (K–M). I is a higher magnification image of the boxed area in H. G–L are from case 2. Arrowhead in K indicates IHC-positive staining of Vδ2 γδT cells. Scale bars: 50 μm (A, B, E, and F); 20 μm (C, I, J, L, and M); 10 µm (D); 100 μm (G, H, and K). Original magnification, ×40 (A and B, insets).