Figure 1.
Fluorescence-activated cell sorting of SP and non-SP cells using flow cytometry. (A) Hoechst 33342low/neg fraction accounted for 1.09% of live cells, which decreased to 0.2% after treatment with Verapamil, and the sorted purity of SP cells was 99%. (B) Hoechst 33342low/neg and Hoechst 33342high cells were identified in the SP fraction, with 52.86% of living cells being Hoechst 33342low/neg. However, the percentage decreased to 0.31% following treatment with Verapamil. (C) Only Hoechst 33342high cells were identified in the NSP fraction. Hoechst 33342low/neg cells were isolated at a very low rate of 0.13% in living cells, which decreased further to 0.06% following treatment with Verapamil. SP, side population; NSP, non-side population.