Impact of EEG montage density, head modeling and source localization on RSN reconstruction. We defined the EEG-RSNs obtained with default settings as reference, and calculated their spatial correlation with the corresponding RSNs calculated using different settings. (A) We examined the impact of EEG montage density by comparing the maps obtained from 256-channel recordings with those obtained from 128-, 64-, and 32-channel recordings. (B) We examined the impact of head modeling by comparing the maps obtained by using a 12-layer FEM with those obtained by 5-layer realistic FEM, 3-layer realistic BEM and 3-layer template BEM, respectively. (C) We examined the impact of source localization by comparing the maps for eLORETA with those obtained by sLORETA, LCMV, and MNE, respectively. DMN, default mode network; DAN, dorsal attention network; DSN, dorsal somatomotor network; VFN, visual foveal network; AN, auditory network; MPN, medial prefrontal network.