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. 2018 Mar 7;9:985. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03379-6

Table 1.

Summary of the notation and definition of symbols

Name of symbols Definition or meaning
N c Column cloud number concentration
N a Column aerosol number concentration
LWC Liquid water content (mass of liquid water in each layer)
LWP Liquid water path (vertically integrated LWC)
N a,l Aerosol number concentration in each layer
P condensation Condensation tendency
P evaporation Evaporation tendency
CC Log10(Nc)
AC Log10(Na)
LC Log10(LWP)
L Log10(LWC)
A Log10(Na,l)
λ c d[LC]/d[CC]
λ d[LC]/d[AC]
λ lwc d[L]/d[A]
λ cond d[Pcondensation]/d[A]
λ evap d[Pevaporation]/d[A]