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. 2018 Mar 2;12:321–332. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S151833

Table 1.

Summary of selected studies’ research objectives, procedures, and decision aids

References, location Research objectives Decision aids
Developed Adapted Procedures Type Content Purpose
Akl et al,31 USA To develop and pilot test a DA for COPD patients considering inhaled steroid therapy X UT Computer-based; available online and on CD-ROM Information about COPD
Information about treatment options
Values and preferences clarification component
To elicit preferred decision-making model and help patients make specific, deliberative choices among inhaled steroid therapy options for COPD
Berry et al,25 USA To explore and enhance usability and cultural appropriateness of a Spanish personal P3P DA for Latino men diagnosed with prostate cancer X AO; T; LA; CA; UT; A; CNV Computer-based; web-based Questions on patient medical information
Customized educational interventions (text, graphics, video)
To prepare men with localized prostate cancer to understand and evaluate care options, communicate personal priorities to health care providers, and make a choice consistent with personal values and medical factors
Coudeyre et al,28 France To translate and culturally adapt to the French health care system, a decision-making tool for patient orientation (to inpatient rehabilitation or a direct return home) after total hip or knee arthroplasty X T; LA; CA; CNV Interpersonal counseling program combined with a score Questions on patient medical information
Question on patient preference
To provide a recommendation regarding patient orientation to inpatient rehabilitation or a direct return home after total hip or knee arthroplasty
Fatima et al,32 Canada To validate a decision aid to assist patients in choosing between antithrombotic agents (anti-platelets, warfarin, direct-acting oral anticoagulants) X UT; A Written and visual (graphic) materials Information about atrial fibrillation
Information about treatment options
To improve patient knowledge of treatment choices for atrial fibrillation and help patients be more comfortable and confident with their treatment decision
Garvelink et al,29 the Netherlands To develop and pilot test the acceptability and understanding of a decision aid concerning fertility preservation for women with breast cancer X UT; A; CNV Computer-based; web-based Informational pages
Values clarification component
To inform patients about fertility preservation, prepare patients for a counseling consultation, and enable decision making concerning fertility preservation
Jull et al,26 Canada To describe the adaptation and usability testing of a shared decision-making tool, the Ottawa Personal Decision Guide, to support decision making by Aboriginal women X ACC; LA; CA; UT; A; CNV Written material; adaptation resulted in an interpersonal counseling program with written material Section on decisional needs
Section on decision support
Section on decision quality
To guide people through health and social decisions
Ko et al,24 USA To describe the cultural and linguistic adaptation process of a colorectal cancer screening DA for Spanish-speaking Latinos X AO; ACC; T; LA; CA; CNV Computer-based; web-based On-screen narrator
Information about cancer and screening
Educational interventions (text, vignettes, animations)
To inform patients about colorectal cancer screening, prepare patients for a counseling consultation, and enable decision making concerning colorectal cancer screening
Lau et al,33 USA To develop and assess the usability and acceptability of a DA for lung cancer screening X UT; A; CNV Computer-based; web-based Questions on patient medical information
Information about cancer and screening
Individual lung cancer risk modeling
Values clarification component
To assist patients in making informed decisions regarding lung cancer screening
Lawrence et al,27 USA To develop and test the validity and reliability of a cross-cultural (European American and Mexican American) DA for screening mammography X X T; LA; CA; TR; CNV; CSV Interpersonal counseling program combined with written and visual (graphic) materials Information about cancer and screening To provide understandable information enabling women to make informed decisions about breast cancer screening
Orlando et al,30 USA To develop and validate a family health history decision support program called MeTree X UT; CNV; CRV Computer-based; web-based Questions on family health history
Individual risk-stratified screening and preventive care strategies
To gather family health history from patients and generate decision support for patients and providers
Anhang Price et al,34 USA To validate a consumer website based on a pediatric algorithm: assessment of the usability and safety of a DA called SORT helping parents and adult caregivers determine if a child with influenza-like illness requires immediate care in an emergency department X UT; CRV Computer-based; web-based Questions on patient medical information
Individual recommendation based on risk assessment
To help parents and adult caregivers determine if a child with influenza-like illness requires immediate care in an emergency department
Sebban et al,35 France To design and validate a bedside decision instrument to be used by patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and their physicians in deciding between the therapeutic alternatives of bone marrow transplantation and conservative management during the early phase of disease X UT; A; TR; CSV Oral presentations of information, combined with written and visual materials Scenario-based DA
Information about cancer and treatment options
To elicit patient preferences regarding two treatment options for chronic myeloid leukemia
Volk et al,36 USA To develop and field test a brief, video-based patient decision aid about lung cancer screening X A Video material On-screen narrator
Information about cancer and screening
Values clarification component
To enable informed decision-making about lung cancer screening

Abbreviations: A, exploration of DA acceptability; ACC, assessment of the new cultural context; AO, appraisal of the original DA; CA, cultural adaptation; CNV, content validity; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRV, criterion validity; CSV, construct validity; DA, decision aid; LA, linguistic adaptation; P3P, patient profile prostate; T, translation; TR, test-retest reliability; UT, usability testing.