Fig. 3. Characterization of molecular response to VML injury.
a Venn diagram showing number of unique and overlapping differentially expressed genes for muscle tissues administered VML injury and extracted at different days post injury (DPI). Days 3 and 7 show the most unique differentially expressed genes. b Principal component analysis (PCA) of RNA-Seq data sets from control (cont), injured (example: 3 DPI), and uninjured (example: 3 DPI_C) data sets from different time points harvested show distinct separation between injured and uninjured samples. c Enriched pathways associated with differentially expressed genes from each time point. Enrichment scores are plotted as −log10(FDR), where FDR is the false discovery rate. d Individual graphs of gene expression plotted in TPM (transcripts per million reads) where uninjured samples are plotted first and injured samples are plotted second for each time point. CCL2: C-C Motif chemokine ligand 2, SPP1: secreted phosphoprotein 1, α-SMA: alpha smooth muscle actin, Col1a1: collagen type I alpha chain. VML volumetric muscle loss