Figure 1.
Virus injections restricted to the dLGN and map of reconstructed TRN neurons. Ai,Bi: Photographs of coronal sections through the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of Monkeys 1 and 2 stained for cytochrome oxidase and against EGFP such that the dLGN layers and injection site are visualized, respectively. Arrows indicate regions of dense retrogradely labeled thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) neurons. Section orientation follows the dorsal-ventral/medial-lateral (DV/ML) compass below and scale bars represent 500 μm for all parts of A,B. Aii,Bii: Contour outlines for the dLGN (gray) and the visual sector of the TRN (maroon) for all sections containing injected virus. Black contours outline regions with injected virus in each section and yellow stars indicate the centers of each injection (six injections in Monkey 1, four injections in Monkey 2). Section orientation and scale bars as in Ai,Bi. Aiii,Biii: 3D renderings of the contours and injected virus for each animal with colors, orientation, and scale bars as in Aii,Bii. Aiv,Biv: Maps of the locations of each reconstructed TRN cell body (99 neurons from Monkey 1 [Aiv], 61 neurons from Monkey 2 [Biv], 160 neurons in total), color-coded according to cluster assignment (see legend), within a single aggregate TRN contour (maroon). Orientations and scale bars as in Ai,Bi.