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. 2017 Dec 29;176(3):1952–1964. doi: 10.1104/pp.17.01450

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Comparative analysis of intact N-glycopeptides from wild type and IMMan1A. Applying IS-CID for the analysis of intact N-glycopeptides revealed a decreased number of MeHex and Pent in IMMan1A in comparison to the wild type. Representative MS1 spectra for ITYATTAAAVTNANLSSYK are shown for wild type (A) and IMMan1A (B), respectively. If not indicated otherwise, ions of charge state two are annotated. For all identified N-glycan compositions, the number of N-glycosites harboring this glycan is shown for the wild type (gray) and IMMan1A (green; C). The N-glycan complexity is increasing from left (oligomannosidic, not methylated) to right (decorated, methylated) and N-glycan compositions have been grouped according to the presence of Pent and/or dHex (optional for sugars written in parenthesis). Only N-glycosites that have been identified in both strains were taken into account (n = 26). A comparison for all identified N-glycopeptides can be found in Supplemental Figure S2. Peptide sequences and their corresponding N-glycan compositions are listed in Supplemental Data S2.