ER localization of sHSP22 contributes to ABA response. A, Schematic diagram of the sHSP22 structure. Representative parts of signal peptide, HSP domain, and ER retention tetrapeptide are shown in green, light-blue, and orange boxes, respectively. B, Colocalization of sHSP22-GFP (top) and sHSP22-d-GFP (bottom) with RFP-HDEL. RFP-HDEL is an ER localization peptide motif fused with RFP. Tobacco leaves were infiltrated with agrobacteria bearing 35S:sHSP22-GFP and 35S:RFP-HDEL or 35S:sHSP22-d-GFP and 35S:RFP-HDEL constructs. After 3 d, tobacco leaves were cut and simultaneously subjected to confocal microscopy observation. C, Cotyledon greening phenotype of Col-0, vector control, sHSP22 OX-2, and sHSP22-D overexpression plants. Representative seedlings were sown 9 d after imbibition on 1 μm ABA. Bar = 0.5 cm. D, Statistical analysis of different genotype plants shown in C. The cotyledon greening percentage was calculated after the 9-d growth in the medium. The error bars represent ±sd (triplicate measurements; n = 90). The asterisks indicate a significant difference between sHSP22 overexpression and control plants (**P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05). E, sHSP22-D accumulation in overexpressing and control plants by western blotting using anti-myc antibody. The gray and black arrows separately denote whole and truncated sHSP22 protein form respectively. Actin is used as control.