(A) (B) Disease symptoms and lesion sizes of the B. cinerea-infected WT, med8, OE-7, and OE-7/med8 leaves at 3 d. The disease assay was performed by drop inoculation of B. cinerea on the leaves of soil-grown plants. The infected leaves were photographed and bar = 4 mm (A). Average values and SEM from relative values obtained from three biological replicates were plotted on the graph (B). A minimum of 10 leaves for each genotype was used for each biological replicate, and the disease assay was repeated in triplicate, with similar results. The mean values followed by different letters represent significant differences (P< 0.01, Student’s t-test). (C) (D) RT-qPCR analysis of ERF1 and PDF1.2 RNA levels in the WT, med8, OE-7, and OE-7/med8 leaves of soil-grown plants at 36 hpi after inoculation with B. cinerea. Expression of ERF1 and PDF1.2 was normalized against the constitutively expressed Actin7. Average values and SEM from relative values obtained in three replicates were plotted on the graph. A minimum of 10 leaves for each genotype was used for each biological replicate, and the disease assay was repeated three times, with similar results. The mean values followed by different letters represent significant differences (P< 0.01, Student’s t-test).