Figure 3. Mice with a Treg-specific DOCK8 deficiency develop gastrointestinal inflammation.
(A) Representative photographs of the MLNs from 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. (B) Total cellularity, number of CD4+ T cells, and percentage of activated CD69+ T cells of CD4+ T cells in MLNs from 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. (C and D) Representative photographs of the stomachs (C) and representative H&E-stained sections of the forestomach and glandular stomach (original magnification, ×10) (D) from 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. Scale bar: 100 μm (D). (E) Representative images (original magnification, ×20) of indirect immunofluorescent staining of stomach sections for IgG using dilutions of serum from a 28-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mouse and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. (F and G) Representative H&E-stained sections (original magnification, ×20) (F) and enteritis pathology score (G) of the small intestine (SI) from 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. Scale bar: 100 μm. (H) qPCR analysis of cytokine mRNA expression in the SI of 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. Results are expressed as fold increase of the cytokine mRNA/b2microglobulin mRNA ratio relative to control. (I and J) Representative H&E-stained sections (original magnification, ×20) (I) and colitis pathology score (J) of the mid colon from 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. (K) Fecal lipocalin-2 concentrations in the stools of 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. (L) qPCR analysis of cytokine mRNA expression in the colons from 30-week-old Foxp3YFP–Cre/Dock8flox/flox mice and Foxp3YFP–Cre controls. Results are expressed as fold increase of the cytokine mRNA/b2microglobulin mRNA ratio relative to control. Symbols represent individual mice, and error bars in B, G, H, J, and K represent mean and SEM. t test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.