Figure 3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), frequency and cluster analysis of differentially expressed genes as a function of erythroid stage and HSPC source.
(A–B) PCA plot of 3 biological replicates of CB- and PB-derived cells at 8 different stages of erythroid differentiation. (A) Cells were sorted according to the PC1 and PC2 principle components; CD34+ progenitors to proerythroblasts (Pro) are presented in the left panel and proerythroblasts to orthochromatic erythroblasts (Ortho) are presented in the right panel. (B) The same samples were sorted according to PC1 and PC3 principle components with progenitors and terminal differentiation stages presented in the left and right panels, respectively. (C) The number of differentially expressed genes between CB and PB at each stage of erythroid differentiation are presented. Blue bars indicate genes that are downregulated in PB as compared to CB while red bars indicate upregulated genes. (D) Expression values of differentially expressed genes between CB and PB, at each of 8 stages of erythroid differentiation, are shown as a heat map. In each row, the color code is used to distinguish expression levels of a particular gene as indicated in the legend. Rows are organized by divisive hierarchical clustering and split into 10 clusters for CB (left panel) and PB (right panel). Enriched GO terms for Cluster 1: unfolded proteins, Cluster 2: leukocyte migration and activation, Cluster 3: oxidative phosphorylation, Cluster 4: ribosomal proteins, Cluster 5: autophagy, Cluster 6: gas transport-related, Cluster 7: autophagy, Cluster 8: mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes and assembly, Cluster 9: RNA splicing and mitochondrial translation, and Cluster 10: cell cycle.