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. 2017 Jan 28;136(2):719–749. doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1570-z

Table 7.

Moderated-mediation model of the association between exposure, contact-quantity and -quality, and inter-group attitudes across neighbourhoods

Model type M1
Outcome Quantity of neighbourhood mixing Feeling thermometer
Neighbourhood diversity 0.316*** −1.863+
(0.055) (0.953)
Quantity of neighbourhood mixing −2.712
Enjoyment of neighbourhood mixing −0.131
Quantity × enjoyment 1.412*
Constant 1.917*** 47.251***
(0.442) (8.923)
Effect Point estimates Bias-corrected confidence intervals 95% confidence intervals
Indirect effect: minimum contact-quality −0.994 [−2.054 0.066]
Indirect effect via maximum contact-quality 0.894 [0.206 1.782]

Significance levels: + < 0.1; * 0.05; ** 0.01; * 0.05; **  0.01; *** 0.001; models contain all individual-level and community-level co-variates (although not shown); clustered standard error; unstandardized coefficients; *, **, ** used within the tables themselves to signify different levels of statistical significance of the coefficients

Unstandardized coefficients are shown, and bootstrap standard errors are given in parentheses; When confidence intervals do not include zero, value of the indirect effect is significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level; all results were controlled for individual-level and community-level covariates