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. 2018 Mar 7;18:33. doi: 10.1186/s12903-018-0496-4

Table 6.

Multiple linear regression model

Variable name Beta (SE) 95% CI p-value
Age − 0.63 (0.22) −1.06 – 0.20 0.004
 Female 5.36 (0.45) 4.48–6.24 < 0.001*
 Male ref
 Private −1.923 (0.46) − 2.83 – − 1.02 < 0.001*
 Public Ref
Why did you not visit the dentist last year
 Money 1.29 (1.17) −0.100 – 3.59 0.269
 No time −0.31 (1.21) − 2.70 – 2.07 0.799
 No need −0.80 (0.67) − 2.12 – 0.52 0.238
 Child fear 4.57 (1.24) 2.13–7.00 < 0.001*
 No pain Ref
Frequency of dental visits
 On pain 2.23 (0.73) 0.80–3.65 0.002*
 Sometimes 0.30 (0.89) −1.44 – 2.05 0.732
 Never 4.45 (1.04) 2.40–6.50 < 0.001*
 Regular ref
Child behaviour during previous visit
 Crying 6.12 (1.00) 4.16–8.07 < 0.001*
 Screaming 3.50 (1.23) 1.09–5.92 0.005*
 Resistant 1.81 (0.54) 0.75–2.86 0.001*
 Happy − 0.88 (0.82) −2.50 – 0.74 0.286
 Do not know 1.40 (0.85) −0.27 – 3.08 0.100
 Cooperative Ref
Pain during previous dental treatment
 Yes 3.04 (0.63) 1.82–4.27 < 0.001*
 A little 1.13 (0.57) 0.02–2.24 0.046*
 No ref
 Low caries 0.42 (0.75) −1.06 – 1.90 0.578
 Moderate caries −0.03 (0.70) −1.41 – 1.35 0.966
 Severe caries −0.03 (0.70) −1.36 – 1.31 0.970
 No caries ref
Behaviour during dental examination
 Negative 5.73 (2.1) 1.61–9.84 0.006*
 Positive ref

*Statistically significant (P < 0.05),