Figure 6. An N-terminal Suz12 fragment is essential for CGI binding and correct H3K27 methylation patterns.
a, Domain architecture of SUZ12 and design of studied SUZ12 fragments.
b, Western blot probing levels of core PRC2 subunits, Ezh2 and Eed, and global H3K27 methylation levels in extracts from Flag-VEFS-expressing cells or Flag-∆VEFS-expressing cells. The ∆VEFS fragment contains the epitope for the SUZ12 antibody. Experiment has been repeated at least three times with same result. Uncropped Western blot images are shown in Supplementary Data Set 1.
c, ChIP-seq signals, within a representative region that include two Suz12 peaks (in WT mESCs), probing binding of Flag-VEFS (Flag ChIP) or Flag-∆VEFS (Flag and Suz12 ChIP) and H3K27me3. ChIP-seq signal is sequence-depth normalized (reads per million mapped reads).
d, Mean ChIP-seq signal generated with indicated antibodies (top left on graphs) for cell lines (top right of graphs) in 7480 Suz12 peak regions identified in WT mESCs (B6).
e, Mean ChIP-seq signal generated with indicated antibodies (top left on graphs) for cell lines (top right on graphs) in regions identified by cluster analysis (Supplementary Fig. 4b) as being enriched for H3K27me3 (left graph), H3K27me2 (middle graph) or H3K27me1 (right graph).