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. 2016 Nov 25;63(1):154. doi: 10.4102/sajcd.v63i1.154


Audiological assessment and statistical procedures for analysis.

Audiological assessment Statistical procedure
Case history Frequencies and percentages were calculated for categorical responses.
Medical history review Frequencies and percentages were calculated for categorical responses.
Otoscopic examination Frequencies and percentages were calculated for categorical responses. McNemar tests were used to determine the relationship between case history reports of pain and perforated tympanic membrane observed on otoscopy. Thus, the cross-check principle was ap-plied.
Immittance audiometry Frequencies and percentages were calculated for the results of tympanograms and acoustic reflex threshold testing.
Pure tone audiometry Non-parametric statistics were used to analyse thresholds averaged from pure tone audiometry as they were not normally distributed (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). Friedman’s test was used to analyse change in low-, mid-, high- and ultra-high frequencies from baseline to post-treatment five. In addition, change from one post-treatment session to the next was described using the median and interquartile ranges.
Speech audiometry Frequencies and percentages were calculated for results of speech audiometry.
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions. The frequency and percentage of pass and/or fail overall re-sult was determined. In addition, linear regression was used to determine the relationship between DPOAEs and reports of tinnitus.

Source: Glattke, T.J., & Robinette, M.S. (2007). Otoacoustic emissions. In R.J. Roeser, M. Valente, & H. Hosford-Dunn (Eds.), Audiology diagnosis (2nd edn., pp. 478–496). New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc; Biologic Systems Corp. (2005). Evoked Otoacoustic Emission Measurement System. User’s Manual. Illinois: Biologic Systems Corp.

Note: DPOAE’s were measured across the frequency range 750 Hz – 8000 Hz using the Vanderbilt 65/55 2 St. Dev’ norms and an f2/f1 ratio of 1: 1.22. According to Glattke & Robinette (2007), there are no universally accepted normative values for DPOAE’s thus DPOAE and noise floor levels were analysed. Thereafter, an overall failed DPOAE result was classified as 70% of failed frequencies for the purpose of the study (Biologic Systems Co-operation, 2005).