Figure 4. Experiment 2: behavioural results.
(a) Model comparison showed that TD model fitted choices best (Bayesian: hierarchical Bayesian model, HMM: hidden Markov model, Hybrid: action-learning model with associability as changing learning rate). (b) SCRs measured on the side with thermal stimulation (‘Stim side’, left hand) were lower than those on without stimulation (‘Non-stim side’, right hand), but both were highly correlated. (c) Associability from state-learning hybrid model fit SCRs best, similarly to Experiment 1. (d) Trial-by-trial associability from hybrid model fitted pain ratings best compared with other uncertain measures (entropy: HMM entropy, surprise: TD model prediction error magnitude from previous trial, null model: regression with no predictors). (e) Regression coefficients with associability as uncertainty predictor were significantly negative across subjects.