Effect of bortezomib on renal lymphocyte infiltration in SLE mice. Cells were stained with anti-mouse-CD3 PeCy7, anti-mouse-CD4 PE, and anti-mouse-CD8 APC or with anti-mouse- CD45R PE-Cy7. SLE-vehicle treated mice have lower levels of renal B and T lymphocytes. A, Representative scatter profile of leukocytes isolated from the kidney. B, Percentage of CD3+CD4+ T cells in SLE mice treated with vehicle and bortezomib. *, p<0.05 vs. SLE-vehicle. C, Percentage of CD3+CD8+ T cells in SLE mice treated with vehicle and bortezomib. *, p<0.001 vs. SLE-vehicle. D, Percentage of CD45R+ B cells in SLE mice treated with vehicle and bortezomib. *, p<0.01 vs. SLE-vehicle.