Fig. 3.
Testing sedimentary noise models on the gamma ray log from ODP Site 1119. a Fine-tuned gamma ray series, with one outlier removed (see Supplementary Fig. 3). b Sea-level changes are estimated from benthic foraminiferal δ18O 2 shown with lowpass Gaussian filter output of sea-level changes (thick blue; cutoff frequency is 1/(400 kyr) using 'gaussfilter.m50). c DYNOT models of interpolated, tuned time series in a using random sample rates of 0.22–2.04 kyr (Methods) with a running window of 400 kyr. d ρ1 model using random sample rates of 2.04–3.06 kyr (Methods) with a running window of 400 kyr. The DYNOT and ρ1 results are shown with lowpass filter output of sea-level changes in b (solid blue). Confidence intervals are estimated by Monte Carlo analysis with 5000 iterations