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. 2018 Jan 10;8(3):845–857. doi: 10.1534/g3.117.300452

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Direct fusion lines allow fluorescent visualization of plasmatocyte nuclei, the cytoplasm, or the cytoskeleton in embryos from stage (St) 8 onwards. (A) Fixed srpHemo-H2A::3xmCherry embryos display strong fluorescence in the nuclei of plasmatocytes starting from St 8 and continuing throughout embryogenesis. Embryonic St is indicated in the lower left of each panel. (B) Stills from a two-photon movie of a srpHemo-H2A::3xmCherry St 10–12 embryo illustrating the low level of endogenous autofluorescence in the yolk. Three successive time points are shown, with the intervening time in minutes indicated in the upper right of each panel. (C) Arrows indicating relative displacement of macrophage nuclei in 90 min of live imaging starting at St 10. (D and E) Close-ups of merged confocal images of srpHemo-H2A::3xmCherry embryos stained with Lz antibody (D’ and E’) as a marker of crystal cells (CC). We see mCherry expression in CC until St 14 (D”), but no longer at St 15 (E”). Live image of individual plasmatocytes visualized with a two-photon microscope with (F) srpHemo-H2A::3xmCherry or (G) srpHemo-3xmCherry, or (H) with a Zeiss confocal microscope from an srpHemo-moe::3xmCherry embryo demonstrating nuclear, cytoplasmic, or actin labeling, respectively. All embryos are positioned with anterior to the left and dorsal at the top. Scale bars correspond to 20 μM in (A), 40 μM in (B), 20 μM in (C and D), 2 μM in (F and G), and 10 μM in (H).