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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Popul Res Policy Rev. 2017 Sep 27;36(6):903–928. doi: 10.1007/s11113-017-9443-3

Table 4.

Estimated effects of covariates on the likelihood of unintended versus intended birth: First births (Relative Risk Ratios with Standard Errors in parentheses)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Variable Reduced (not accounting for heterogeneity) Full (not accounting for heterogeneity) Reduced (accounting for heterogeneity) Full (accounting for heterogeneity)
Age 2.09*** (.32) 2.05*** (.31) 2.48*** (.13) 2.76*** (.13)
Age-squared .98*** (.003) .98*** (.003) .98*** (.003) .98*** (.003)
Race (ref: White)
Black 1.33* (.15) 1.43** (.16) 1.32* (.10) 1.50** (.10)
Hispanic 1.07 (.15) 1.07 (.15) 1.10 (.10) 1.06 (.11)
Other race 1.27* (.20) 1.31 (.20) 1.42* (.13) 1.39* (.13)
Mother’s education (ref:missing/did not complete HS)
High school graduate 1.05 (.11) 1.06 (.11) 1.04 (.09) 1.04 (.09)
Some college 1.07 (.13) 1.09 (.13) .97 (.11) .97 (.11)
College graduate .96 (.12) 1.00 (.13) .89 (.11) .87 (.11)
Family background (ref: Biological parents)
Step family 1.41** (.15) 1.41** (.15) 1.38** (.09) 1.40** (.09)
Any other family 1.26* (.12) 1.24* (.12) 1.20* (.09) 1.24* (.09)
Respondent’s education
High school graduate .99 (.12) 1.02 (.12) .99 (.11) 1.02 (.11)
Missing education response 1.05 (.16) 1.05 (.17) 1.08 (.12) 1.06 (.12)
Union status at birth (ref:not in a coresidential relationship)
Married .21*** (.03) .21*** (.03) .26*** (.11) .27*** (.11)
Cohabiting .66** (.09) .65** (.09) .70** (.09) .70** (.10)
Personality characteristics
Respondent aspires to attend college .96 (.03) .92* (.04)
Conscientious .96* (.01) 0.98 (.01)
Very important .78** (.06) .81* (.12)
Missing religion response .78* (.10) .85 (.12)
Person-months 997839 997839 997839 997839
Number of women 8000 8000 8000 8000
Log likelihooda −665,185 −665,125 −665,088 −664,993








The estimated log likelihood is for the full multi-equation model, i.e., including all estimates in Tables 46 as well as effects on the contrast of (intended & unintended) births versus no birth.