Spatiotemporal concentration profiles of autocrine and paracrine
factors and their effect on the cell phenotype. (A) LIF activates
STAT3 and induces self-renewal. In this study, the effects of the
flow rate, the position of the flow field and the local field organization
on STAT3 activation and the fate of mESC were analyzed, mathematically
described, and compared with the static culture. (B and C) Effect
of endogenous autocrine and paracrine factors on stem cell differentiation
of mESC. (B) In a flow chamber, Nanog, Klf4, and Rex1 were washed
off from stem cells, which induces differentiation. (C) Adding endogenous
factors to the medium (complex medium, CM) allows the impact of each
of these factors on stem cell self-renewal and maintenance of the
undifferentiated stage to be studied. (D) Stable TNFα gradient
across a rectangular diffusion chamber. Across the chamber, there
is a minimal flow that does not disturb the spatiotemporal gradients
of secreted molecules from the cells. Sink and drain channels perpendicular
to the chamber maintain the gradient constant, which allows global
effects of TNFα on cells to be studied without disrupting the
local cell–cell pattern. (A and B) Adapted with permission
from refs (67 and 110). Copyright
2012 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (C) Adapted
with permission from ref (111). Copyright 2011 Public Library of Science. (D) Adapted
with permission from ref (112). Copyright 2013 Royal Society of Chemistry.