Fig. 1.
Topography and magnetic structure of Co films on Ru(0001). a STM topography of 1.1 ML Co (I = 10 nA, U = −320 mV, scale bar is 100 nm, height color scale goes from 0 (dark contrast) to 4.1 nm (bright contrast)). b Top: dI/dU map of the same area as a taken with a W tip (ΔUrms = 50 mV, scale bar is 100 nm) revealing a periodic stripe pattern through TAMR effect. Bottom: line profile of dI/dU plotted along the red arrow in the image and corresponding sketch of the magnetization. c Top: spin polarized dI/dU map taken with a Cr coated W tip revealing the periodic magnetic stripe pattern through the TMR effect (I = 1 nA, U = −300 mV, ΔUrms = 30 mV, scale bar is 100 nm). The tip spin polarization was out-of-plane. Bottom: Line profile of dI/dU plotted along the green arrow in the image and corresponding sketch of the magnetization