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. 2018 Mar 5;9:204. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00204

Table 3.

Number of DEG encoding channels, H+ pumps and carriers gathered from the RNA sequencing data.

Categories Leaf Root Leaf Root Categories Leaf Root Leaf Root
Channels: 21 29 35 56 Carriers: 61 87 151 193
OSCA-type channels 1 2 4 3 ClC family anion:proton antiporter 1 0 3 3
Ammonium transporters 2 3 1 6 SWEET-type sugar efflux transporter 4 5 8 8
SLAC-type guard cell anion channels 3 1 3 1 HKT-type potassium/sodium cation transporter 0 0 2 1
GLR-type ligand-gated cation channels 0 3 1 9 HAK/KUP/KT-type potassium cation transporter 4 6 11 14
CNGC-type cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels 1 1 1 3 Auxin transporter 1 3 7 8
Potassium cation channels 2 3 2 4 ProT-type proline transporter 1 0 3 2
Aquaporin/small solute channels 3 4 9 14 CCC-type cation:chloride co-transporter 0 0 1 1
monosaccharide transporters 2 8 10 20
Active transport: 5 9 22 22 NHX-type proton:sodium cation antiporter 0 0 2 1
V-type ATPase 0 0 9 8 CHX-type proton:monovalent cation antiporter 1 4 2 5
P-type ATPase 1 7 8 12 CAX-type proton:calcium cation exchanger 1 0 4 1
Putative proton-translocating PP-ase 2 0 3 0 CCX-type cation:calcium cation exchanger 1 0 1 2

In accordance with the Aramemnon database (, for each gene the full name is written immediately after the abbreviation. B, Baldo; VN, Vialone Nano.