Fig. 3.
WLS is essential for the sorting and secretion of WNT proteins. In a, b, the levels of WNT10A and WNT2b protein in epididymal luminal fluid were examined using Western blot analysis. Epididymal luminal fluid was collected from the caput epididymides of 2-month-old Wls f/+ and Wls cKO mice. **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05; the data are presented as the mean ± standard error. The WNT10A and WNT2b protein levels were normalized to GAPDH. c Immunostaining of WNT10A in caput epididymidis. Bar = 100 μm. DNA, blue; WNT10A, green. In a–c, the caput epididymides were collected from eight 2-month-old Wls f/+ and eight Wls cKO mice