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. 2017 Sep 7;22(3):343–354. doi: 10.1007/s10995-017-2364-2

Table 2.

Provision of prenatal screening and intentional participation in prenatal screening with CT and FAS

Within native Dutch and immigrant generations Within language proficiency level (LPL) group
Total Native Dutch First-gen. immigrant Second-gen. immigrant Total Absent Dutch LPL Limited Dutch LPL Fluent Dutch LPL
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
First antenatal visit
 Late (≥11 weeks gestational age) 1175 (19) 609 15e, f 526 (28)e, g 40 (22)e, g 5765 (21) 235 (41)b, c 416 (34)b, d 5114 (20)c, d
Step 1
 Information offer
  CT (yes) 5103 (90) 3450 (94)e 1492 (84)e, g 161 (89)g 24,030 (89) 373 (71)b, c 937 (78)b, d 22,720 (90)c, d
  FAS (yes) 5470 (96) 3571 (97)e 1723 (95)e 176 (98) 25,163 (94) 485 (90)b, c 1123 (93)b 23,555 (94) c
 Counseling desired
  CT (yes) 3960 (73) 2626 (73) 1204 (72) 130 (76) 17,996 (76) 287 (80)b, c 732 (87)b 16,977 (90)c
  FAS (yes) 5377 (96) 3499 (96) 1707 (96) 171 (97) 23,351 (98) 465 (97) 1075 (99) 21,811 (99)
Step 2
  CT (yes) 4009 (76) 2668 (76)e 126 (77)e 1215 (74) 19,503 (79) 303 (67)b, c 789 (75)b d 18,411 (79)c, d
  FAS (yes) 3956 (77) 2522 (75)e, f 1284 (79)e, g 150 (90)f, g 17,477 (74) 296 (64)b, c 755 (70)b, d 16,426 (75)c, d
 Counseling setting
  Specific counseling consult 1294 (24) 829 (24) 428 (26) 37 (23) 1749 (23) 74 (37)b, c 104 (27)b, d 571 (23)c, d
  Other 4009 (76) 2668 (76) 1,215 (74) 126 (77) 5826 (77) 126 (63)b, c 277 (73)b, d 5423 (77)c, d
 Counseling CTa
  Leaflets 3495 (60) 2834 (61)e 1033 (56)e, g 122 (66) 16,089 (59) 238 (44)b, c 85 (56)b, d 5611 (60)c, d
  Counseling (verbal explanation) 3511 (61) 2329 (62)e 1063 (57)e 119 (65) 17,441 (64) 237 (43)b, c 719 (56)b, d 16,485 (65)c, d
  Website 945 (16) 626 (17)e, f 303 (16)e, g 16 (9)f, g 4673 (17) 64 (12)b, c 208 (17) b 4401 (17) c
  Other 17 (<1) 7 (<1)e 10 (<1)e 0 (0) 204 (<1) 21 (4)b, c 19 (2)b, d 164 (1)c, d
 Counseling FASa
  Leaflets 4776 (83) 3072 (82) 1544 (84) 160 (87) 6753 (82) 170 (70)b, c 343 (80)b 6240 (82)c
  Counseling (verbal explanation) 4683 (81) 3001 (80)f 1521 (82) 161 (87)f 21,956 (82) 428 (78)c 1003 (82) 20,525 (82)c
  Website 988 (17) 637 (17)f 331 (18)g 20 (11)f, g 3952 (15) 75 (14) 192 (16) 3685 (15)
  Other 110 (2) 77 (2) 32 (2) 1 (<1) 433 (5) 27 (11)b, c 32 (7)b 374 (5)c
Step 3
 Intention to participate in CTa
  Yes 1250 (22) 966 26)e, f 259 15)e, g 25 (14)e, f, g 6084 (23) 66 (13)c 124 (11)d 5894 (24)c, d
  No 2524 (44) 1638 (44)e, f 810 (46)e, g 76 (42)e, f, g 11,733 (44) 199 (40)c 551 (47)d 10,983 (44)c, d
  Thinking about 1338 (23) 849 (23)e, f 429 (25)e, g 60 (33)e, f, g 6310 (24) 102 (21)c 270 (23)d 5938 (24)c, d
  Inapplicable/not asked 581 (10) 255 (7)e, f 255 (14)e, g 21 (11)e, f, g 2526 (9) 127 (26)c 227 (19)d 1879 (8)c, d
 Intention to participate in FASa
  Yes 5009 (88) 3286 (89) 1562 (88) 161 (88) 22,312 (84) 439 (84) c 993 (85) 20,880 (85) c
  No 49 (<1) 31 (<1) 17 (1) 1 (<1) 443 (2) 10 (2) c 19 (2) 414 (2) c
  Thinking about 412 (7) 261 (7) 137 (8) 14 (8) 2423 (9) 38 (7)c 103 (9) 2282 (9)c
  Inapplicable/not asked 220 (4) 128 (3) 86 (5) 6 (3) 1470 (5) 33 (6)c 60 (5) 1046 (4)c

Significant differences = p-value between 0.001 and 0.05

PS prenatal screening, CT combined test, FAS fetal anomaly scan, gen generation

aMore than one answer is possible

bSignificant difference between absent Dutch language proficiency level and limited Dutch language proficiency level

cSignificant difference between absent Dutch language proficiency level and fluent Dutch language proficiency level

d Significant difference between limited Dutch language proficiency level and fluent Dutch language proficiency level

eSignificant difference between native Dutch and first-generation immigrants

fSignificant difference between native Dutch and second-generation immigrants

gSignificant difference between first- and second-generation immigrants

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