Extended Data Figure 1. The construction of mismatched DNA used in single-molecule total internal reflection fluorescence (smTIRF) microscopy.
a, A schematic illustration for the construction of a 17.3-kb mismatched DNA. L or R (blue) indicates the orientation of the DNA relative to the L and R cos end of λ-phage DNA. P (red) indicates the 5′-phosphate of the DNA. b, A schematic illustration of 17.3-kb mismatched DNA observation by prism-based smTIRF microscopy. c, Representative mismatched DNA visualized by smTIRF microscopy in the absence of flow. The DNA was stained with Sytox Orange and a 40 × 85 µm field of view is shown. d, A schematic illustration of the DNA length determination. e, The length distribution of the mismatched DNA observed by smTIRF microscopy. Gaussian fit of the data are shown along with the mean ± s.d.