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. 2018 Mar 9;14:78. doi: 10.1186/s12917-018-1405-4

Table 2.

Contents of the main bioactive compounds identified in Herbmix analyzed in positive and negative ionization modes

No. Compound RT (min) UV m/z [M-H] Formula MS fragment m/z [M + H]+ MS fragment μg/g DM
1 Chlorogenic acid 2.05 215/325 353.0880 C16H18O9 191 355.1015 163 663.1
2 Quercetin-O-Hex-Hex 3.33 200/335 625.1419 C27H30O17 301 627.1545 303/465/161 134.5
3 Hypolaetin-O-Hex 3.50 255/345 463.0890 C21H20O12 301 465.1016 303 298.5
4 Luteolin 7-glucuronide 3.84 220/255/345 461.0730 C21H18O12 285/163 463.0865 287/257 422.2
5 Quercetin-O-Hex 3.95 265/340 463.0890 C21H20O12 301 465.1018 303/382/141 573.1
6 Quercetin-O-Hex-Pent 4.05 220/350 595.1309 C26H28O16 301 597.1437 303/465 430.9
7 Quercetin-O-Hex-dHex 4.2 220/255/345 609.1466 C27H30O16 301 611.1599 303/465 1436.7
8 Verbascoside 4.340 195/330 623.1985 C29H36O15 461/315/161 625.1756 471/325/163 1162.9
9 3,5-Dicaffeoyl-quinic acid 4.450 200/325 515.1198 C25H24O12 191/353 517.1339 163/319 1602.6
10 Quercetin-O-dHex-dHex 4.553 260/345 593.1512 C27H30O15 595.1645 303/449 1441.1
11 Luteolin-glucuronide 4.951 210/340 461.0726 C21H18O12 285 463.0868 287/299 1058.0
12 Rosmarinic acid 4.955 200/330 359.0770 C18H16O8 161/197/179 361.0912 163/181 2886.1
13 Luteolin 3′-(3″-acetylglucuronide) 5.620 270/335 503.0831 C23H20O13 285/255 505.0976 287 296.9
14 Luteolin 3′-(4″-acetylglucuronide) 5.740 270/335 503.0834 C23H20O13 285 505.0977 287 521.7
15 Luteolin-(malonyl-Pent) 6.190 270/335 503.0833 C23H20O13 285 505.0978 287 352.7
16 Isomargaritene 6.425 270/330 591.1709 C28H32O14 283/268/163 593.1862 285/447 221.6
17 Rosmanol 8.5 275/330 345.1704 C20H26O5 301/283 347.1845 301/283/273/231 612.7
18 Isorasmanol or Royleanonic acid 9.05 220/335 345.1705 C20H26O5 283/268/227 347.1846 301/273/259 34.1
19 Acacetin 9.68 220/340 283.0611 C16H12O5 268 285.0752 11.3
20 Royleanonic acid-derivative 10.7 345.1710 C20H26O5 283/268/227 347.1848 301/273/259 296.8
21 Carnosol derivative 11.25 329.1753 C20H26O4 285 331.1901 285/267/303/243 96.1
22 Komaroviquinone 12.3 220 359.1859 C21H28O5 361.2012 299/233 1127.1
23 Carnosol 12.5 205 329.1754 C20H26O4 285 331.1899 285/267/303/243 1356.6
24 Carnosic acid 14.6 225 331.1908 C20H28O4 287/245 333.2048 287/245 651.5
25 12-Hydroxy-11-methoxy-8,11,13-abietatrien-20-oic acid 15.3 230 345.2066 C21H30O4 301/286 347.2206 301/219 711.2