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. 2018 Mar 9;18:85. doi: 10.1186/s12906-018-2147-3

Table 2.

Plant-based traditional medicines relevant for the treatment and management of diabetes among respondents, Gondar, Ethiopia (N = 387)

Nomenclature Parts used Potential side effects and toxicities
Scientific English Local namea
Moringa. stenopetala Moringa, cabbage-tree Sheferaw Leaves (Commonly grounded into powder for mixing) Causes uterine contractions, Inhibits CYP3A4 (inhibits metabolism of anti-diabetic drugs in the meglitinide class), Chronic kidney disease, Hepatotoxicty [36, 37]
Hagenia Abyssinicaa East African rosewood Kosso Flower and leaf extracts Hepatotoxicity, Diarrhea, Gastritis, Optic atrophy [38, 39]
Aloe vera (ferox species) Cape aloes, Aloe Vera Eret Gel extract, Leaves Rind Stem Volume depletion, Hypoglycemia, Photosensitivity, Hepatotoxicity, Nephrotoxicity [4044]
Clausena anisataa Horse wood Limche Leaf, stem, and Root extracts Heavy metal bio-accumulation (Iron, cadmium, manganese), Hypoglycemia, Gastritis [29, 4547]
Allium sativum L. Garlic Nech shinkurt Bulb taken with ‘injera’ before breakfast Severe allergic reactions, changes in the menstrual cycle, nausea; sweating, hypoglycemia, interact with some medicines like HIV protease inhibitors (eg, saquinavir) [31, 32]
Otostegia integrifolia Benth Abyssinian rose Tinjute The wood burnt to fumigate homes, the aroma from the smoke smelled Good safety profile [26]
Caylusea abyssinica (fresen.) Giesilla Root chopped and mixed with cold water and drenched Convulsions, coma, diarrhea and lacrimation [27]

aAmharic language