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. 2018 Feb 2;4(1):e000612. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2017-000612

Table 1.

Main characteristics of diagnostic studies on ultrasound in GCA

Study ID n n Female (%) Inclusion criteria Reference standard n Final diagn GCA (%) n TAB+ (%) n LV-GCA Investigated structures Elementary lesions RoB
Schmidt et al 17 112 NR Suspected GCA+PMR ACR criteria or
30 (27) 21 (78) NR TA halo,
LeSar et al 18 32 21 (66) Suspected GCA TAB 7 (22) 7 (100) NR TA halo
Nesher et al 19 69 NR Suspected GCA Clinical diagn 6 m or
14 (20) 9 (64) NR TA halo High
Salvarani et al 20 86 55 (64) Suspected GCA+PMR ACR criteria or
20 (23) 15 (75) NR TA halo High
Murgatroyd et al 21 26 NR Suspected GCA TAB 7 (27) 7 (100) NR TA halo High
Pfadenhauer and Weber22 67 51 (76) Suspected GCA ACR criteria or
40 (60) 33 (83) NR TA, occipital halo/stenosis/occlusion High
Reinhard et al 23 83 49 (59) NR ACR crit or
43 (52) 33 (77) NR TA halo
Romera-Villegas et al 24 68 48 (71) Suspected GCA TAB 22 (32) 22 (100) NR TA halo/stenosis/occlusion Low
Karahaliou et al 25 55 30 (55) ESR >50 mm/h, headache, jaw claudication, fever, PMR, TA tenderness, visual impairment Clinical diagn 3 m or
22 (40) 18 (82) NR TA halo
Pfadenhauer and Behr26 132 NR Suspected GCA+US* Clinical diagn
(retrospectively confirmed)
132 (73) 89 (75) NR TA, carotid, vertebral, periorbital halo/stenosis Mod
Zaragozá-Garciá et al 27 18 14 (61) Suspected GCA TAB 5 (28) 5 (100) NR TA halo
Aschwanden et al 29 72 45 (63) Suspected GCA suspected LV-GCA (PET+, ESR >50 mm/h, age >50 years) ACR criteria 38 (53) 35 (95) 12 TA, carotid, vertebral, subclavian, axillary, femoral, popliteal halo/stenosis Mod
Habib et al 28 32 19 (59) ESR >50 mm/h, headache, jaw claudication, fever, PMR, TA tenderness, visual impairment Clinical diagn 3 m or
16 (50) 15 (94) NR TA halo Mod
Aschwanden et al 30 80 55 (69) Suspected GCA ACR criteria 43 (54) 20 (53) NR TA halo
Diamantopoulos et al 31 88 54 (61) CRP >5 mg/dL, headache, jaw claudication, fever, PMR, TA tenderness, visual impairment Clinical diagn 6 m or
46 (52) 26 (67) 17 TA, carotids, axillary halo Low
Aschwanden et al 32 60 40 (67) Suspected GCA ACR criteria 24 (40) 13 (72) NR TA ompression Low
Luqmani et al 6 381 273 (72) Suspected GCA Clinical diagn 6 m or
257 (67) 101 (39) Yes
(n NR)
TA, axillary halo/stenosis/occlusion Mod

*Suspected GCA+US, only patients with suspected disease and an available ultrasound examination were included.

ACR, American College of Rheumatology; APR, acute phase reactants; CRP, C-reactive protein; diagn, diagnosis; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; GCA, giant cell arteritis; LV, large vessel; mod, moderate; m, months; n, number of finally included patients in analysis; n female, number of females; n final diagn GCA, number of patients finally diagnosed with GCA; NR, not reported; n LV-GCA, number of GCA patients with large vessel involvement; n TAB+, number of positive temporal artery biopsy results in finally diagnosed GCA patients; PMR, polymyalgia rheumatica; PET+, imaging signs suggestive for LV-GCA in positron emission tomography; RoB, overall appraisal of risk of bias and concerns about applicability (arbitrarily defined) (high, in the case of concern on ≥5/10 risk of bias items or concern on 3/3 applicability items out of the QUADAS-2 tool; moderate, in case of concern on 4/10 RoB items and/or concern on ≥1/3 applicability items out of the QUADAS-2 tool; low, in case of concern on ≤3/3 risk of bias items and no concern about applicability); TA, temporal artery/arteries; TAB+, patients with a positive histology suggesting vasculitis.