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. 2018 Mar 10;8:7. doi: 10.1186/s13561-018-0190-x

Table 7.

Effects of prenatal care and socioeconomic status on cesarean delivery use, low-risk subsample with partner’s socioeconomic variables included, logit model 1 (odds ratios)

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Prenatal care
 First prenatal visit
  Second trimester 1.09 (0.299) 1.03 (0.271) 0.69 (0.356) 0.67 (0.284)
  Third trimester 3.69b (1.907) 3.79a (1.921) 3.46b (1.716) 3.58a (1.704)
 Obstetric ultrasounds
  < 3 0.83 (0.301) 0.84 (0.307) 0.71 (0.310) 0.72 (0.245)
  ≥ 4 1.14c (0.088) 1.12 (0.087) 1.12 (0.090) 1.10 (0.087)
 No nuchal translucency ultrasound 0.89 (0.210) 0.93 (0.202) 0.97 (0.281) 1.01 (0.232)
 No morphology ultrasound 0.84 (0.314) 0.80 (0.295) 0.79 (0.327) 0.75 (0.218)
 No early prenatal interview 1.01 (0.083) 1.02 (0.079) 0.99 (0.080) 1.01 (0.090)
 No prenatal education 1.35a (0.082) 1.37a (0.084) 1.33a (0.112) 1.33a (0.088)
Partner’s socioeconomic level
  Manual worker 0.99 (0.182) 1.00 (0.187) 0.88 (0.127) 0.89 (0.195)
  Office, sales, or service staff 1.09 (0.089) 1.10 (0.090) 1.08 (0.088) 1.08 (0.077)
  Farmer 2.14b (0.798) 2.14b (0.794) 2.57b (1.179) 2.56b (1.005)
  Craft/trades worker or entrepreneur 1.05 (0.121) 1.05 (0.121) 1.01 (0.152) 1.02 (0.142)
  Intermediate (technical) 0.78 (0.143) 0.79 (0.142) 0.84 (0.132) 0.85 (0.162)
 Work status
  Unemployed 1.44a (0.118) 1.43a (0.115) 1.60b (0.293) 1.60a (0.169)
  Not in labor force 0.90 (0.081) 0.89 (0.082) 0.88 (0.153) 0.86 (0.096)
Hospital controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hospital effects Fixed Random Fixed Random
Residence fixed effects No No Yes Yes
N (observations) 10,732 10,732 9197 9197

All regressions use the subsample of low-risk women (nulliparous, aged 20–34 years, without any diagnosis or co-morbidity, giving birth at full term, during labor, without induction, to a singleton infant in cephalic presentation, and with a normal birth weight). Hospital control variables include hospital type (ownership status, equipment level, and teaching status), organization (day of delivery, obstetrician availability, and size), and staff (midwives, obstetricians, and anesthetists in FTEs per bed). Hospital invariant control variables (ownership status, equipment level, and teaching status) are only included in regressions with hospital random effects. Robust standard errors in parentheses

a = 1% significance level, b = 5%, c = 10%