Fig. 2.
DENV-1 WP 74 inoculation results in sustained viral RNAemia and virus dissemination to multiple organs. AG129 mice (6–8 weeks old) were inoculated with 7.4 log10 p.f.u. DENV-1 WP 74. On days 1, 2 and 3 p.i., groups of five animals were sacrificed and serum and organs harvested. Organs were weighed and homogenized and virus load was determined by QRT-PCR. Results are shown for (a) serum, (b) liver, (c) spleen, (d) large intestine and (e) brain. Each symbol represents one animal. Serum titres are expressed as log10 genome copies ml−1 and organ titres are expressed as log10 genome copies g−1 of tissue. The dashed horizontal line represents the limit of detection of the assay. Symbols represent individual sample titres; short solid horizontal lines represent the mean daily titre.