Alteration of WreU reaction product by addition of WreQ and NADH. The autoradiogram shows TLC separation of products extracted into the organic phase after generation in WreU-WreQ-coupled enzyme assays. All reactions were set up as noted for lane 4 of Fig. 2, with UDP-KdgNAc as the nucleotide substrate for WreU, and the reactions were allowed to proceed for 1 h. The reactions then varied by whether WreQ and NADH were added at this point, and incubation continued for another hour. Lanes: lane 1, WreU reaction only; lane 2, WreQ added to the WreU reaction; lane 3, NADH added to the WreU reaction; lane 4, both WreQ and NADH added to the WreU reaction. Inferred compounds: I, Und-PP-KdgNAc; II, Und-PP-QuiNAc; *, Und-PP (see Fig. 2 legend).