Fig. 6.
Genetic relationships among Scotland and England emm89 strains. (a) Reconstructed phylogeny of 255 emm89 strains inferred by neighbour-joining based on 2766 Gubbins-filtered core SNPs is shown. Strains are coloured by country, Scotland in blue and England in red. Consistent with the earlier period of collection of the England strain cohort (ca. 2003–2013) relative to the Scotland strain cohort (ca. 2010–2016), one-third (41/122) of the England strains are of preepidemic clade 2, whereas only 3 of the 126 Scotland strains are clade 2. Moreover, in the epidemic clade 3 portion of the tree (i.e. the right side), by in large the England strains are more proximal on the branches than the Scotland strains. (b) Reconstructed phylogeny of 89 emm89 strains inferred by neighbour-joining based on 1087 Gubbins-filtered core SNPs is shown. The 44 Scotland and 43 England strains are temporally matched sets of all strains collected between 2010–2013.