Table 2.
The relationships between implicit and explicit identities on drinker attitude and PTP outcomes.
Criterion variable | Regression model fit |
Explicit identity |
Implicit identity |
Interaction |
R2 | 2 | F | p | β | t | p | β | t | p | β | t | p | |
Drinker attitude | .32 | .28 | 4.48 | .011 | .55 | 3.58 | .001 | −.12 | .79 | .44 | −.017 | −.03 | .97 |
Total poured | .04 | −.06 | 0.41 | .747 | .-.09 | .49 | .627 | .07 | .39 | .69 | .55 | .90 | .37 |
Total drank | .16 | .07 | 1.74 | .182 | − 18 | 1.04 | .305 | .31 | 1.82 | .079 | −.44 | −.77 | .446 |
Proportion drank | .30 | .23 | 4.04 | .017 | −.22 | 1.27 | .213 | .27 | 1.54 | .134 | − 1.38 | 2.63 | .014 |
Note: Models are reported by row, with the dependent (criterion) variable in the first column, followed by model fit statistics, the effects of each identity as a predictor variable, and the resulting interaction term. Model fit statistics reflect the full model with both predictors and interaction term. For all models, N = 32 and degrees of freedom were (3,28). 2 indicates adjusted R2. β indicates standardised betas.