Immunofluorescence studies confirm long-term motor neuron-specific gene delivery in the spinal cord following in utero treatment with IDLVs. Long-term gene expression was confirmed by eGFP fluorescence and co-staining of sections of spinal cords from mice harvested 7 months after in utero administration of IDLVs pseudotyped with rabies (left panel) or VSV-G (right panel). Strong eGFP expression can be seen on longitudinal sections (a, a′) and along whole cords (b, b′). ChAT + cells show eGFP co-expression in coronal cervical (c, d, e, c′, d′, e′) and lumbar (i, j, k, i′, j′, k′) sections of mice injected with either vector. eGFP co-localization was also observed in some neurons stained with NeuN antibody (f, g, h, l, m, n, f′, g′, h′, l′, m′, n′).