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. 2018 Feb 26;2018:7392187. doi: 10.1155/2018/7392187

Table 3.

Altered intrinsic functional connectivity seeded at regions with decreased GM volume in patients with JME compared with controls. CRUS 1: cerebellum crus 1; ORBsup: superior orbital frontal gyrus; MTG: middle temporal gyrus; PUT: putamen; HIPP: hippocampus; CAU: caudate; CBV: cerebellum vermis; TH: thalamus. L: left; R: right.

ROI Brain region MNI coordinates T value Voxel number
x y z
R_CRUS_1 Occipital_Mid_R 27 −65 27 6.33 1027
Occipital_Sup_L −23 −69 36 4.84 777
Cerebellum_8_L −25 −69 −52 4.87 120
Postcentral_R 58 −15 26 4.79
Parietal_Sup_R 18 −70 47 5.46
Postcentral_L −33 −36 47 4.36
Frontal_Sup_L −19 21 54 −3.68 1054
Temporal_Mid_L −56 −29 −9 −4.94 271
Frontal_Inf_Orb_L −41 34 −18 −4.72 130
Frontal_Inf_Orb_R 42 36 −18 −5.26 72
Supp_Motor_Area_L −8 21 64 −6.44
L_CRUS_1 Occipital_Mid_L −27 −85 22 5.84 699
Occipital_Sup_R 28 −83 22 5.44 497
Cerebellum_6_R 28 −53 −26 5.93
Cerebellum_6_L −32 −44 −26 6.29
Frontal_Mid_R 46 26 39 −4.45 744
Frontal_Mid_L −36 28 39 −4.14 175
Frontal_Inf_Orb_L −48 36 −7 −3.81 114
Supp_Motor_Area_R 7 22 61 −4.38
CBV Temporal_Mid_L −48 2 −21 3.67 96
Fusiform_L −36 −45 −18 4.85 148
Precuneus_R 18 −52 24 4.83 232
Supp_Motor_Area_L −5 18 45 −6.46 525
Frontal_Inf_Tri_L −36 30 0 −6.18 411
Frontal_Inf_Tri_R 48 33 6 −4.88 336
R_TH Cerebellum_8_R 18 −51 −60 3.92 50
Thalamus_R 18 −15 12 3.81 25
Thalamus_L −15 −15 9 3.68 28
Frontal_Sup_R 15 39 39 −5.63 174
Frontal_Sup_Medial_L −10 61 16 −3.93 149
R_CAU Cerebellum_8_R 12 −60 −54 5.95 346
Cerebellum_8_L −14 −68 −45 4.50 171
Caudate_L −15 −3 21 4.39 35
Caudate_R 15 3 21 4.23 30
Frontal_Sup_Orb_R 12 52 −22 −5.04 168
Postcentral_L −40 −16 36 −4.22 100
L_CAU Cerebellum_8_R 12 −66 −51 3.69 54
SupraMarginal_L −57 −33 30 4.77 107
Paracentral_Lobule_L −13 −26 78 −4.50 74
Frontal_Sup_Orb_L −13 44 −24 −3.48 68
L_PUT Cingulum_Mid_L −3 −15 36 4.38 55
Hippocampus_R 36 −30 −6 4.80 32
Frontal_Inf_Tri_L −36 39 3 −5.78 65
Precentral_R 36 1 51 −5.17 83
Frontal_Inf_Tri_R −53 19 29 −5.21 86
Parietal_Sup_L −24 −68 43 −3.46 122
Parietal_Inf_L −30 −46 45 −3.09 111
Parietal_Sup_R 28 −64 53 −4.02 187
R_ORBsup Insular_L −40 0 −5 4.59 234
Insular_R 54 5 6 5.09 284
Cingulum_Mid_R 10 11 39 4.57 124
Cerebellum_Crus1_R 32 −86 −30 −3.88 44
Temporal_Inf_R 57 −10 −33 −4.57 80
Temporal_Mid_L −52 −9 −24 −3.78 55
Vermis_3 0 −35 −3 −3.86 124
Frontal_Sup_Medial_R 9 62 30 −4.34 160
L_MTG Temporal_Sup_R 54 0 −6 4.38 190
Temporal_Sup_L −51 −2 −6 6.13 246
Parietal_Inf_L −34 −39 45 5.99 222
Postcentral_R 36 −42 63 4.79 151
Cerebellum_Crus1_R 13 −79 −25 −4.71 215
Precuneus_L −9 −54 33 −3.77 74
Frontal_Sup_Medial_L −9 39 45 −3.85 36
R_HIPP Temporal_Inf_L −47 −16 −34 4.66 61
Frontal_Sup_Medial_R 4 61 6 4.88 127
Frontal_Sup_Medial_L −1 60 6 4.54
Temporal_Inf_R 57 −33 −27 −4.16 42
Rolandic_Oper_R 64 −4 12 −4.00 32
Parietal_Sup_L −21 −66 47 −4.11 145
Occipital_Mid_R 32 −79 30 −3.69 65
Postcentral_L −22 −35 63 −3.82 140
Parietal_Sup_R 16 −50 59 −3.65 47