Accumulator Expression |
Sets an accumulator equal to an algebraic expression. Standard math operators, accumulators, and global variables may be included. |
Accumulator Transfer |
Transfesr a quantity from one accumulator into another. |
Allocated Hexagons |
Returns the number of hexagons in each individual’s allocated area. Useful for quantifying territory sizes. |
Births |
Returns the number of offspring produced in the most recent reproduction or propagation event. |
Clear |
Sets an accumulator to zero. |
Explored Hexagons |
Returns the number of hexagons in each individual’s explored area. Useful for quantifying home range sizes. |
Group Size |
Returns the number of members present in each individual’s group. Returns zero for floaters. |
Group Sum |
Sets a target accumulator equal to the sum, taken across all group members, of a specified target accumulator. Useful for ascertaining group composition (e.g. is an alpha-male present). |
Hexagon Presence |
Detects the presence of nonzero values in a generated hex-map. Useful for triggering premature model termination (e.g. end a disease simulation if the the pathogen disappears). |
Increment |
Adds a fixed quantity to an accumulator. |
Individual ID |
Returns each individual’s ID. Useful for simulating DNA recombination in two-sex models. |
Individual Locations |
Returns the integer ID of the patch each individual is located within, relative to a user-supplied patch-map. |
Mate Verification |
Sets a mate accumulators to zero if the corresponding mate has died. Assumes the accumulator in question stores mate IDs. |
Quantify Environment |
Returns the sum or mean of the hexagons in each individual’s explored or allocated area, relative to a specified hex-map. Useful for quantifying resource availability, exposure, population density, and many other quantities of interest. |
Quantify Extremes |
Similar to the quantify environment updater function, except the minimum or maximum value is returned. |
Quantify Location |
Returns the floating point score of the hexagon each individual is located within, relative to a user-supplied hex-map. |
Resources (Allocated) |
Returns the percentage of each individual’s resource target that is presently being met by the hexagons in its allocated area. |
Resources (Explored) |
Returns the percentage of each individual’s resource target that is presently being met by the hexagons in its explored area. Is also used to simulate resource competition between populations. |
Stochastic Increment |
Increments an accumulator by an amount drawn from a uniform distribution with user-supplied bounds. |
Stochastic Trigger |
Returns a 1 with probability p (specified by the user) and a 0 with probability 1-p. A single evaluation is made and then applies to every individual. Used to randomly trigger life history events. |
Subpopulation Assign |
Randomly selects a user-specified number of individuals from a population, and assigns them a specific accumulator value. Useful for operating on a subset of a population. |
Subpopulation Selector |
Non-randomly selects a user-specified number of individuals from each group, and sets their target accumulator to 1. Useful for maintaining alpha status in wolf packs after mortality events. |
Time Step |
Returns the current time step, but includes a modulus operator. Useful as input to data lookup life history events. |
Trait Value Index |
Returns the index value of probabilistic, genetic, or genetic accumulated traits. Provides a way for individuals to incorporate this trait information into accumulator mathematics or generated hex-map construction. |
Uptake |
Transfers a quantity from a hex-map into an accumulator. Individual allocated areas define the source region. Useful for modeling the transfer of pathogens from the environment into organisms. |