Table 1. Summary of PACT efficacy using white light as reported in literature.
Studies | Pathogens | Photosensitizer | Light source | Light fluence | Assay method | Efficacy | Note |
Pereira, et al. [41], 2012 |
E.coli | Cationic- Thiopyridinium ZincPhthalocynine (20µM) |
White light (150mW/cm2) Red light (150mW/cm2) |
270 J/cm2 | Colony counting | 105 reduction | Bacterial cells were washed twice with PBS |
Alves, et al. [37], 2009. |
E.coli and E.faecalis | Cationicmeso- substitutedporphyrin (5µM) | White light (40 W/m2) |
64.8 J/cm2 | Colony counting | 107 reduction | No washing |
Wood, et al. [38], 2006 |
S. mutans deposited biofilm | Erythrosine (22 µM) |
White light (22.5mW/cm2) |
20.4 J/cm2 | To evaluate the clinical plaque disclosing agent erythrosine | 102.2 reduction biofilm | 200 µm thickness were grown in a constant-depth film fermenter |
Paschoal, et al. [39], 2014 |
S.mutans | Curcumin (7.5 µM) and Toluidine blue (25 µM) |
White light (3410mW/cm2) |
42 J/cm2 | Colony counting | 105 reduction | No washing |
Marciel, L.,et al. [40] 2017 |
E.coli and
S.aureus |
Zn(MeOPy + )8Pc and Tri-Py + -Me-PF (5-10 µM) |
White light (150 mW/cm2) |
2430 J/cm2 |
Colony counting | 106 reduction | No washing |
Rubel [34], 2014 |
Actinic keratosis | Methyl aminolevulinate | Daylight PDT | 22 J/cm2 | Lesion treatment | 89% lesion treated response rate | Demonstrated the efficacy and safety of DL-PDT vs C-PDT in treating mild facial/scalp AKs. |
Neittaanmäki [35], 2014 |
Actinic keratosis | 5-aminolaevulinic acid 5-Methyl aminolevulinate |
Daylight PDT and c-PDT | 2 hrs a day sun exposure | Lesion treatment | 84.5% and 74.2% treated |
Compared the efficacy and adverse effect of 5-aminolaevulinicacid (nanoemulsion) with MAL in DL-PDT |
Present work | E.coli | Pentalysine Zinc Phthalocynine (10 µM) |
White light (12.5 mW/cm2) |
4.5 J/cm2 | Colony counting | 105 reduction |