Treatment Effect of SNAP Participation on Cost-Related Medication Nonadherence for All Older Adults, Those Threatened by Hunger, and Those Who Are Food Insecure: United States, 2013–2015
Percentage Point Reduction in CRN Owing to SNAPb |
Sample | No. | % CRN Among SNAP Participantsa | % CRN Among Eligible Nonparticipantsa | % (SE) | 95% CI |
All older adults | 4347 | 11.4 | 16.2 | −4.8** (0.015) | −1.9, −7.7 |
Older adults threatened by hungerc | 1344 | 18.3 | 27.4 | −9.1** (0.028) | −3.6, −14.7 |
Food-insecure older adults | 886 | 21.5 | 28.9 | −7.4* (0.036) | −0.3, −14.5 |
Note. CI = confidence interval; CRN = cost-related medication nonadherence; SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. All regressions include a constant and all other covariates. For the full results from these models, see Table B, available as a supplement to the online version of this article at All regressions are weighted by the product of the propensity weight and the survey weight to produce nationally representative estimates.
Regression-adjusted CRN rates among participants and eligible nonparticipants.
The average marginal effect (robust standard error) estimated in the Probit regression model.
“Threatened by hunger” includes both marginally food-secure and food-insecure older adults.
*P < .05; **P < .01.